
The Crime

The undergraduate taste is tickled when members of the genus "Facultas Academiae Harvardianae" take an interest in things. The following piece, reprinted from "Letters to the Editor" in the December 5 issue of the "Saturday Review of Literature", shows what we mean:

Sir:- I was cheered up Immensely by the arrival of the "Satrev" for November 21. The spectacle of somebody having the guts to come Right Out in Public and say that Eugene O'Neill was just a fake philosopher Indicates that there is some critical honesty left in the world. The November 21 was a swell issue anyway, regardless of your piece, but plus your piece, it should become a book collectors' item.

The best line in "Mourning Becomes Electra" is the one which some neurotic speaks to the gardener: "Well, Seth, you bin with the Manons a long time." HOWARD M. JONES,   Cambridge, Mass.

We thought it was just ducky, ourselves.
