
The Crimson Playgoer

"La Dame Aux Camelias" is Excellent Picture, Starring Yvonne Printemps

Based on the novel by Alexandre Dumas Fils, "La Dame aux Camelias" is not only an excellent moving picture, but it affords American audiences an opportunity of seeing the lovely Yvonne Printempts in her native element. It may be the last such opportunity, for Miss Printemps is soon to walk among the alien corn of Hollywood, and what sort of screen vehicles her mentors there will give her, none can tell.

Assuming that the plot of Camillo will be more or less familiar to everyone, the French outline with charming delicacy the story of the little grisette who, coming to Paris with much beauty and no money, sets out upon the primrose path. Just what particular gentleman is paying for her sumptuous lodgings, her lace-hung bath, and her carriage is left indefluite, but there is no doubt that all vie for the privilege. After meeting at a carnival, Marguerite Gautier (Yvonne Printemps) and her idealistic young lover, Armand Duval, escape to a cottage in the campagne. An admirable restraint marks the scene in which Armand's father persuades Marguerite to return to Paris, and the final reconciliation in which Armand finds her dying of consumption. The taint of melodrama appears only when, during the famous gambling scone, Armand flings his winnings in the lady's face and stalks from the room. The supporting cast is capable, and the costumes maintain themselves convincingly in the early 19th century tradition.
