
Lining Them Up

With both squads replenished by turnouts from the football teams, elimination bouts for Varsity and Freshman wrestling candidates will be held during the week beginning Monday. Yearling matches will come at 3 o'clock, Varsity at 4 o'clock.

Among the new recruits to the Varsity squad are Dave Tufts '37 and Don Armstrong '37, both experienced men, and Bill Glendnning, last year's Freshman heavyweight. Led by Captain Howland Stoddard '36, and with veterans in all but two weights, the team promises to be one of the best in years.

The Freshman squad has five candidates in the 118-pounds division, the largest in Coach Cliff Gallagher's experience. Two of them, Harvey Ross, undefeated for two years at Milton, and Robert J. Phippen, show considerable promise. David B. Stowe and George M. Davis are standouts in the 135-pound class, while Frank Downey has done well at 155, as has Chief Boston in the heavyweight division.

The opening meets for both squads will take place against M. I. T.. away, on Saturday, December 14.

Inexperienced as is most of his squad, Jack Barnaby, in charge of Freshman squash, holds out hope for a successful season. The schedule has not as yet been drawn up, but indications point to as stiff a one as usual.


Among the large group of green squash men there are several players who show up well and who will probably be on the final, official lineup. Of these, G. B. Blake, having had much experience at Brooks School, ranks far above the others. About even in second honors are P. F. Cunningham and J. R. English, Jr. Cunningham was graduated from Brooks and English from Exeter Academy. Others whose ultimate standing will depend on their rapidity of improvement are the following: C. H. Ladd, J. W. Cutler, Jr. F. H. Appleton, and M. O. Preston.

Although the Freshman schedule has not as yet been drawn up, Exeter and the Yale Freshman will be included. It is with Exeter that the Crimson, in January, open its season. Yale has always been a hard nut to crack, and for the last three years the Blue has defeated the Crimson squash men. But with a big, cagor squad. Jack Barnaby expects victory over the traditional victory.
