

Despite Its Strength, Crimson Outfit Will Face Hard Competition -- Yale Third Entrant

Confident of victory, a cocky bunch of cross country men left South Station at 6 o'clock this morning bound for Princeton and the triangular meet on Monday with Yale as the third competing team.

Coach Mikkola has promised that this race will be one of the hardest that Crimson harriers have ever run in the past few years, but the Playfair runners seem to have a little too much power to be seriously threatened by anyone that Princeton or Yale can show.

It was in this race two years ago that Bob Playfair ran Bonthron into the ground in the last hundred yards and won the race by a margin of six seconds over the first Yale man to place. Last year also Playfair won the race, and today he will go out for his third consecutive win, which should make a record of some sort.

Princeton this year has many of its crack Freshman ten of a year ago who have been fairly intensive in blocking tactics and fundamentals, but little heavy scrimmaging was seen by first and second string players. Crisler feels that the Crimson will prove a dangerous opponent, although the odds seem to favor Nassau, and he is taking every precaution to try to insure victory.

The coaching staff has been juggling the starting lineups considerably in the last few games, partly because of minor injuries and partly because of the fine race second stringers have been giving the Varsity for positions.


It is probable that Steve Cullinan, a light pivot man who was in third place at the start of the year, will begin at center. He is an excellent passer and defensive line-backer. Bill Bedell and Johnny Bliss, however, are possibilities and have started all games but the Navy. Flanking this post comes Johnny Weller, a powerhouse on the defense, and Bill Montgomery, the best blocker and running guard on the squad. Replacements at guard include Rusty Russell and Bob Kopf, both veterans who have seen much action this year.

Two hulking tackles, George Stoess and Fred Ritter, have held down these posts practically undisputed, although Charley Tell, 210-lb Sophomore, has frequently substituted for Ritter and showed up impressively. At left end the versatile Hugh MacMillan is sure to begin the contest, with his 60-yard kicks and glue-fingered pass-snagging being indispensable to the Tiger machine. Gil Lea, lanky right ender, is also a star man. John Paul Jones and Bill Roper constitute dependable reserves on the flanks, the former shining particularly in the Penn game.

Piethora of Backs

A plethora of outstanding backs makes Crisler's problem of chosing four difficult, but it seems likely that Captain Constable, whose line plunges and defensive play have made him by far the best of the fullbacks, will go through most of the game. Dean Hill and Charley Carr are ready to spell him if need be.

Garry LeVan, fast and shifty halfback, and the powerful Homer Spofford will both be in shape on Saturday, although lately suffering from injuries, and will probably begin the game. Still, the ability of Paul Pauk, former Worcester School player, Jack White, who has shone in many games in place of LeVan, and the fleet Jack Irwin make them all equally potential starters. In addition, Chick Kaufman, brother of Les Kaufman, who was a main cog in last year's backfield, will probably be a replacement at halfback owing to his punting prowess.

At quarterback Ken Sandbach will get the call, since his play-calling and accuracy in passing have improved greatly during the season. Eddie Givens, from last year's Freshman team, possesses nearly equal field general ability and also kicks with a deadly eye for coffin corners, so that he is in line to taste real action too
