
Freshman Actors on Boards With Three Pieces Tonight

Yardlings Work for Membership in Harvard Dramatic Club

Under the direction of the Harvard Dramatic Club, Freshman actors will present three one-act plays in the Union tonight.

About 27 members of 1929, representing three-fourths of all those who answered the call of the Dramatic Club, will take part in the productions. They will receive a half credit towards club membership for their efforts.

The first play is "In the Zone", a drama by Eugene O'Neill, and the best known of his "S. S. Glencair" series written at Provincetown.

Number two is Conkle's comedy, "Minnie Field". Like all his plays it deals with the Middle West, its subject a wake, treated in humorous manner but ending on a grim note.

Finally there will be a comedy of North Wales, "A Handful of Sheep".
