
The Playgoer

"William Tell" Notable for Photography

"The Legend of William Tell," on view next Wednesday at the Fine Arts, is a beautifully photographed, interestingly presented, but badly acted story of the Swiss people's struggles for freedom during the fifteenth century. The production is in English.

There is little originality in the film, and the faults in recording and acting occasionally blind one to the mastery of its direction, the authenticity of its treatment, and the beauty of the scenery. As the cruel governor who tries to make slaves of the Swiss, Conrad Veidt is as impressive as always, but one wishes he were given more opportunity to act. His role is not the most important. William Tell is played by a Swiss whose chief claim to praise is the sincerity of his performance. With its many minor faults, the picture is particularly interesting in these days of the discard of civil liberties, for which the Swiss fought as have few other people in history.

Also on the program is an excellent narrative of last year's successful flight over Mount Everest by an English expedition. Unfortunately, Lowell Thomas keeps up an incessant flow of conversation and the only reason he is tolerated at all is the quantity of adjectives he uses in describing Everest's grandeur. The pictures of the mountain are the first ever taken, and the photographers have good cause for pride. Scenes of the whole Himalaya range are surprisingly thrilling--at time one thinks one is looking at the moon through a powerful telescope.

The remainder of the program, news reel and educational (?) short, is rather better than usual. The current show at the Fine Arts may not be outstanding from a strictly artistic viewpoint, but it does not lack interest, and real beauty of production.
