
Soccer Team Meets Crew Of H.M.S. Dragon in Practice

Nine Lettermen on Crimson Group of Booters in First Game

In its first start of the season, the Varsity scorer team will meet an opponent from across the Atlantic, when it faces a team made up of members of the crew of the British cruiser H.M.S. Dragon.

Coach Jack Carr is using this game mainly as a practice workout for his charges with a view toward seasoning them for the stiffer competition later in the fall. With nine lettermen in the lineup, the Crimson will field a strong team and little difficulty is expected in setting down the Englishmen. The Dragon is the cruiser which accompanied the Endeavor on its trip from England.

The Harvard team will be as follows: g., England; l.f., Stent; r.f., Robinson; r.h., Richard; c.h., Dorman; l.h.b., Vincent; r.o., Grover;, r.i., Clos; c., Manheimer; Li., Stork. Lo., Wood.
