
Harvard Critic Will Again Publish Papers This Year

Journal of Controversy To Start on New Plan With Cherington as Head

Revealing for the first time this year what the plans are for the once again reorganized Harvard Critic last night, Charles R. Cherington '35, new head of the organization, told an audience of five hundred Freshmen gathered in Phillips Brooks House that the Critic was definitely to start publication again this year.

Saying that in the past The Critic was merely a toy for the young men of Harvard who had strong Communist feelings, Cherington pointed out that the Critic's now deal was to be in the form of running the paper as a voice for all who desired to express their opinions. It will be put out on a non-partisan basis with an eye to giving anyone a chance to write for it who has determined convictions and desires to have the public hear about them.

Although so far it has not been determined how many issues will be put forth, it is known that as long as contributors are sufficiently interested to fill the columns, the paper will continue to appear.
