
Freshman Proctors and Their Activities as Undergraduates

Harding, Moushegian, Foshay to Head Group in Buildings in the Yard

Forty-one proctors for 1934-35 in the Harvard University freshman dormitories were announced today by Matthew Luce, regent, following approval by the Harvard Corporation.

Victor M. Harding '31, Vahan N. Moushegian '32, and William W. Foshay '31, second year law students who were outstanding scholars and athletes as undergraduates in Harvard College, have been appointed head freshman proctors. Their records and the halls in which they will live are:

William W. Foshay '31, summa cum laude, of Port Chester, N. Y.; university lacrosse team, second football team; at Oxford University, England, for one year on a Henry Fellowship--Wigglesworth hall.

Vahan N. Moushegian '32, cum laude, of Lowell, Mass.; university basketball team, university football team; end coach on second football team the past two years and next year--Massachusetts hall.

Victor M. Harding '31, cum laude, of Chicago, III.; university football team, university track team, second marshal of his class; at Emmanuel College, Cambridge University, one year on Lionel de Jersey scholarship--Grays hall.


The new proctors in the yard dormitories will be:

Gridley Barrows '34, of Sharon, Mass.; university crew, university heavyweight wrestler, university football squad; will return to study landscape architecture--Thayer hall.

Edward Perkins Davis Jr. '34 of St. Paul, Minn.; photographic chairman of freshman Red Book, member of class executive beard; will return to study physics--Thayer hall.

John Herbert Dean '34, of Cohasset, Mass.; first marshal of his class, captain of university football team in 1933, university track team, president of senior class, chairman of Dunster house committee, member of student council; will enter Harvard Law School--Wiggles-worth hall.

Theodore Ayrault Dodge '32, magna cum laude; 1G, of Madison, Wis., university track squad; M. A. '33, University of Wisconsin; will return as assistant in geology--Wigglesworth hall.

Arthur Tenney Hamlin '34, of Washington, N. L.; will return as an assistant in Widener Library--Weld hall.

Charles Fox Hovey '32, cum laude; 2L, of Chestnut Hill, Mass.; was on university crew--Straus hall.

Charles Jackson Jr. '31, 2L, of Boston, Mass.--Straus hall.

Elbert Payson Little '34, of Worcester, Mass.; member of Arams house committee; will return to study physics--Weld hall.

Armistead Buckner Rood '31, 2L, of Concord, Mass.; was on university crew squad--Matthews hall.
