
Alumni Directory Due in '32 To Appear Early in October

Will Include Names of Graduates Who Have Died Since Last Issue

Early in October another issue of the Harvard Alumni Directory, overdue since 1932, will appear. It will contain 67,000 names, 462 of them women, showing in the five years since the last issue an increase of over 10,000. An innovation in the new edition will be the listing of the names of the alumni who have died since the previous edition. Heretofore only living members were listed, but in order that no man's name should be dropped unexplained the time and place of his death will be recorded in the edisubsequent editions his name will.

The new Directory will also give the degrees with distinction received since 1930 when the final edition of the Quinquennial Catalogue was put out. The Quinquennial Catalogue, which lists all the men, living or dead, who have received degrees since the college was founded, will be discontinued and for that reason the listing of the degrees will be assumed by the Directory.
