
Varsity Trackmen May Trek to West To Complete in National Collegiates

Dean and Healey Have Exceeded Standards Fixed for Men From Eastern Colleges

Coach Eddie Farrell and his triumphant speedsters, who are now hard at work preparing to scalp the Hanover Indians on Saturday, may have some representatives in the National Collegiates to be held on the West Coast sometime in June.

The National Association with headquarters on the Pacific Coast, has established a sizeable fund to pay the expenses of outstanding performers from the East travelling to the meet; and all that the Crimson thinlyclads must do is to qualify for the trip.

Track coach Harry Hillman of Dartmouth is in charge of the entries from the East, and Coach Farrell will have a talk with him this week about the possibility of entering some crimson trackmen. Certain minimum standards have been set up for Eastern competitors; and already Johnny Dean in the shot, and Jack Healey in the discuss have surpassed these standards.

There are plenty of other Crimson runners who have a good chance for the trip to the Coast, and Coach Farrell will keep his eyes on his charges in the hope that some of them will come through with worthy performances. Jack and Dick Hayes are possible qualifiers in the hurdles, and Captain jack Morse wouldn't have to put on much pressure to make the grade in the 400. Eddie Calvin is another Harvard runner who has shown in the past two years that he is capable of turning in fast times in the dashes and might very well find a place for himself in the caravan to the Coast.
