

Eli Debilities

Every day, opening our mail with palsied fingers and still-hopeful heart, we pull out something beginning like this; "Fifty-seven per cent of Yale men ten years out of college would fight in another war and forty-three percent would not, it was revealed today in the results of an 'opinion test'. A majority of Yale ten-year men disapprove of Albert. H. Wiggin and Samuel Insult; but approve of J. P. Morgan." Then you read on and it turns out that the Yale men are going to hold a dinner (war or no war). That is all right, but the thought of a united body of Yale men openly disapproving of Albert H. Wiggin, however adequate as a publicity device for a reunion dinner, is too sombre an item for us to have to begin our day on, in this blossom-scented sanctuary of topical despair.

The above questionnaire, incidentally, contained one choice morsel about this Class 0' 1924. The average 1929 stock and bond loss of those incurring losses was $34,247, Yale men, by God, are men of substance. New Yorker
