
Freshmen Defeat Graduates By 6-2 in Informal Game

Channcey Catches for Graduates, Owen for Freshmen

In an informal game yesterday afternoon, the 1937 nine downed the Graduates' aggregation by a score of 6 to 2. Captain Owen was acting as coach of the Freshman team, while ex-coach Chauncey was in the catcher's position of the alumni crew.

To make things interesting, the fledgling coach decided to move the veteran catcher of the 1937 squad, George Black-wood, to short while installing himself as catcher, to be better able to keep an eye on his team. Tom Bilodean and Dick Walsh were pitching for the first year men, but in spite of their skill the former mentor of the team managed to garner two hits out of his four times at bat.

Johny Chase hurled for the graduates, but in spite of his strong attack the Freshmen were able to get six hits, and easily win the game.
