
Widow of Prophet of Modern Miracles Visits New York

Edward Bellamy, in 1888, Foresaw Age of Radio and Airplanes

New York, May 22 (UP)--Somewhat bewildered by the age of speed and the miracle of radio, which her husband fore saw with uncanny accuracy almost 50 years ago Mrs. Edward Bellamy came to New York from Massachusetts today to sit in wonderment before the panorama of Broadway.

Edward Bellamy died 36 years age today, and the Bellamy Association of New York asked his 73-years old widow to come down from Springfield and talk over the same radio which her husband in 1888, predicted would some day be in wide use.

Writing in '83, Bellamy forecast: radio, airplanes television, use of chemicals of stimulate crop production, electrification of farms, automatic tubes for conveyance of packages and messages and many other things now common.

His book, "Looking Backward," is used today in many colleges. Hundreds of Bellamy Associations, made up persons interested not only in reading his works, spread his ideas.

Bellamy, in his book "Looking Backward," predicted that some day paper utensils would be used in cooking with electrical, heat originating on the outside of the utensil itself. Within the past year scientists have discovered a method of cooking precisely in the manner described by the lean, students New Englander.


He told how in America of the future people would wear paper clothes to be thrown away when they became dirty. A chemist this year announced that science is preparing to provide people with just such paper costumes.
