

Outdoor Concert for June 20 and Three Dances During Graduation Week Are Scheduled

Plans for the Class Day outdoor concert, Wednesday, June 20, and for three dances to be given during graduation week, were announced last night by David B. Cheek '34, chairman of the 1934 Class Day Committee.

On Wednesday, June 20, at the annual evening spread in the houses a mixed program will be presented by the Glee Club. During the intermission, members of the Instrumental Clubs will perform. A clarinet solo will be played by George R. Shaw, 2nd '34; Atreus von Schrader, Jr. '34, Guy S. Hayes '34, and Frank W. Vincent, Jr. '36 will make up a Guitar tried which will render several numbers. Le G. R. Thurber '34, James T. Dennison '34, Francis F. Cary '34, and von Schrader will sing in a quartet.

The Meyer Davis Copley Plaza Orchestra under the direction of Bill Boyle has been engaged for the Senior Spread on Monday evening, June 18, at Lowell House. On Wednesday, June 20, Sammy Liner's band will play during the evening at Lowell House, and the Club Touraine orchestra under Charles Hector will play at Eliot House.

The Class Day party and spread, so called, is open to all graduates and undergraduate members of the College. It will last from noon until midnight on Wednesday, June 20, and will include lunch, the Class Day exercises in the Stadium, the Yale baseball game, supper in the Houses, the above mentioned concert and dances.

All Seniors who have not bought their caps and gowns should do so at once at the Coop, if they wish them on time.
