

Alan Darling 1937 Fielder, Injures Shoulder in Game--First Year Men Play Andover Today

Coach Dolph Samborski's Jayvee baseballers slipped just one or two less times in the soggy mud on Soldiers Field yesterday afternoon than did the first-year baseball players and emerged triumphant over the 1937 batsmen by an 8-5 score, after eight and one-half innings of closely contested ball.

Alan Darling, 1937 left-fielder, injured his right shoulder when he slipped and fell while trying to catch a high ball. It is hoped that he may be able to play in the game with Andover today. Score by Innings:   1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9 Jayvees  3  1  0  2  0  1  0  0  1--8 Freshmen  0  0  0  0  2  0  1  0  2--5

1937 Team To Play Andover In spite of their 5-4 victory over Andover on Saturday, May 5, the 1937 baseball nine may have trouble in again downing the Blues this afternoon in a game to be played at 4 o'clock on Soldiers Field. The first game was won only in the tenth inning when Tom Bilodeau scored on a passed ball. After their defeats in the last two games at the hands of their Junior Varsity outfit and the Crusaders, the Crimson will have to rally considerably to triumph this afternoon.
