
Memorial Society launches Drive For Pennypacker Cup

Iseman and Sammons Elected to Posts On Initiations Committee

To raise the necessary sum for the Pennypacker Memorial Trophy, the Memorial Society last night launched a drive in the Yard dormitories, in which every Freshman will be interviewed personally by a member of the society. It was decided at a meeting last night to ask no money from the commuters unless the yard donations fail to produce the desired amount, which has not as yet been ascertained.

Vice-President Lowes, Dean Leighton, and Athletic Director Bingham have expressed their approval of the Cup. It was decided last night that Dean Leighton and Bingham will choose the winner, who will receive a picture of the trophy on which his name will be inscribed.

Joseph S. Iseman '37, and Wheeler Sammons, Jr. '37 were appointed as an initiation committee for next year. A paper was read by William C. Burrage '37 after the formal meeting, dealing with whimsies in Harvard history.
