

By reducing the regular section meetings to two a week during the Reading Period instead of the usual three, Economics A has instituted a change of policy that is in accord with the aims of the Reading Period plan, By assigning extra reading, this hour a week can be used to profitable advantage by the student to correlate his work in the course and review the material.

No interference with the regular work to be covered would result if this change were adopted by other elementary courses. The extra reading that could be assigned would aid in giving the student a better understanding of the subject and contact with authorities in the field other than those regularly used. It would also cut down the routine of attending classes to some degree and aid the student who has reading to do for some other courses. It is not advisable for the most part for elementary course to suspend classes entirely during the Reading Period, but partial benefits of the period could be attained if the number of classes were reduced.

Elementary courses could very well adopt this policy and attain some benefits from a plan with which they now have no connection. That three meetings a week for such courses during the Reading Period is unnecessary is admitted, and by cutting them down to two, both the student and the course would benefit.
