

Miss Celeste Callahan, Amateur Actress, And Miss Nancy Faxton Prominently Mentioned for Vacancy

The announcement last night by Producer Joe Losey and President John C. Haggott '35, of the Dramatic Club that Miss Margaret Lang, of Boston, had been selected to play the part of the Girl With the Mask, in the club's annual production, "A Bride for the Unicorn," brought the problem of picking the female cast one step nearer solution.

Miss Lang, who will play the part made vacant by the resignation of Miss Marie C. Driscoll, was chosen after many tryouts conducted by Losey. Little information could be secured on Miss Lang, but it was understood that she is not a Radcliffe graduate. The selection last night leaves one remaining major feminine part to be filled.

Two girls have been trying out for the remaining part and it was learned that Miss Celeste Callahan, well-known amateur actress, is the leading candidate for the role. Miss Callahan, however, was recently offered the lead in another local production, and that she is still undecided which part she will take.

Another aspirant, also mentioned for this part is Miss Nancy Faxton. As Mr. Losey himself said, "The choice of the other character is, as yet, indefinite--very indefinite."

The musical score written on the spur of the moment by Virgil Thomson, is ready now and will be played during the play by undergraduates in the Music Department.


The other female members of the cast who were announced last Wednesday, are Miss Muriel Williams, Mrs. William A. Arnold, and Miss Clara West Butler.
