
Winthrop Nominates Men For the House Committee

Five Juniors and Six Sophomores Announced By Lockwood

John M. Lockwood '34, chairman of the present Winthrop House Committee, announced last night the nominations for the three annual vacancies on its staff. Two will be elected from the following list of Juniors: Frank P. Bland '35, Dorilio C. Braggietti '35, Irving S. Chenoweth '35, Stanley G. Kellegg '35, James A. Wolff '35. One from the Sophomores: Thomas A. Bittenbender '36, John Derman '36, William W. Gallagher, Jr. '36, Benjamin H. Hallowell '36, August C. Helmholtz, 2nd., '36, and John R. Pappenhelmer. The elections will be carried out by printed ballot today and Wednesday.
