

Spaulding Will Defend R.O.T.C. Against Attacks by NSL and LID--Meeting Also in Evening

Four speakers, representing four different attitudes on the subject of peace, who are to lecture at the Peace Conference which will be held here on Thursday were announced last night by the committee in charge of the conference.

These men will speak at the afternoon meeting scheduled for 2.15 o'clock in Peabody Hall of Phillips Brooks House. There will be an evening meeting, but the speakers for that meeting have not yet been decided upon.

Myers Tops List

Denys P. Myers, Director of the World Peace Foundation, representing the pacifist and League of Nations side of the question tops the list of speakers announced by the Liberal Club, the National Students League, and the Students League for Industrial Democracy, sponsors of the Peace Conference. The militarist view of the prospects for peace will be expounded by Colonel Oliver L. Spaulding, Jr., professor of Military Science and Tactics, and head of the R.O.T.C. unit at Harvard, which was the target for much of the criticism of the pacifists.

Secretary John Weber of the New England District of the Communist Party will speak for the Communists at the conference and Kirtley F. Mather, professor of Geology and tutor in the Division of Geological Sciences, will conclude with the Socialists' view on the subject of pacifism. Mather, always a loyal Socialist, has been prominent in spreading its gospel and was among those Faculty members who took up the banner for Socialism in recent elections.
