

Follows Announcement of Endicott's Leave of Absence -- Regarded as Next Step in Reorganization

Following close upon the leave of absence of Arthur L. Endicott '94, Comptroller of the University, the retirement before the beginning of the next college year of Edward S. Emery '87, as assistant comptroller was revealed late yesterday at University Hall.

Emery who has held the position since 1921 is sixty-nine years old and has been engaged in financial matters throughout his life. When questioned late yesterday on his retirement his only comment was "I feel that I have reached the retiring age."

More Changes Expected

At the time of Mr. Endicott's temporary retirement from office it was expected that further changes in the Lehman Hall setup would materialize in the very near future, and at that time the position of assistant comptroller was considered under fire.

Mr. Emery, prior to his coming to Harvard, was engaged as a trustee for private properties in Boston, when in 1921 he was called to fill the position left vacant by the resignation of John Lewis Taylor as assistant comptroller. At that time Francis Welles Hunnewell '02, now Secretary to the Corporation was then Comptroller.


Inasmuch as no mention has been made of a successor to Mr. Emery it is believed that the position will remain vacant as has that of comptroller Endicott who left in February shortly after the appointment of John W. Lowes '19, as Financial Vice-president to the University.
