


University--"Hl Neilie" A fast moving picture with capable performances by Paul Muni and Glenda Farrell; plenty of tough amusing dialogue. "Gallant Lady" The suffering of Miss Harding has become almost psychopathic by now.

Loew's State--"Mystery of Mr. X". Robert Montgomery carries off the part of a gentleman crook with his customary aplomb and ability to provide a diverting evening.

Paramount and Fenway--"I've Got Your Number." Joan Blendell and Glenda Farrell with their usual support provide their own version of good clean fun. Well, it's good anyway.

Fine Arts--"Les Doux Orphelines". Notable because of the acting of Yvette Guilbert and some excellent photography. Otherwise not so good unless one likes a French combination of "Little Women" and "David Copperfield."

R. K. O. Keith's--"It Happened One Night." Claudette Colbert and Clark Gable romp about on a night bus until...the inevitable. Nevertheless recommended for colorless, but pleasant acting by Miss Colbert, and for the amusing dialogue.


Keith-Boston--"The Lost Patrol". Shilling shocker with Victor McLaglen. Long and moderately diverting stage show of the abortive musical type designed for the movie palaces.

Metropolitan--"Mandalay". Kay Francis glares at men and looks intense in a Burmese setting. All right if you like Miss Francis. Stage show recommended.
