
. . . and Pound Wanting.

To the Editor of the CRIMSON:

How touching it is that a poet should guide us to the true light and initiate us into the ways of wisdom! When in our eternal search for the causes of war statesmen and scholars fall us, there is still nothing to fear. For Ezra Pound is still with us, ever ready in his own subtle way to show us the truths that we seek. Here indeed, is a guide worth following. He was among the first to give a meaning to meaningless words by raising them from small to large type. But his contribution is really far greater than that. For it is he who has discovered the necessity and utility of writing letters to the papers. Of course, someday some corrupt biographer in the employ of the Bank of France may point out that he waited until he had a poem (so-called) on every newsstand round about (note: The Advocate came out day before yesterday) before bursting into print in any given locality. But any future charge that he is a publicity-hound will be false. IT CERTAINLY WILL. Ezra Pound will LIVE. Generations after people have given up trying to understand his poetry he will still be remembered and honored. And those few who today see how fitted Mr. Pound is to SETTLE the troubles of the planet--how moved with emotion they must be when they realize that he may never get a chance. Charles Cherington '35.
