

Winter and Eliot To Be Among Judges Of Final Competition for Awards in Public Speaking

Competing for the Boylston and Lee Wade Prizes for Elocution, ten finalists will speak in Paine Hall of the Harvard Music Building on Wednesday at eight o'clock. The program of the evening, including the final order of the speakers and the subjects on which they are to speak, has been announced by Frederick C. Packard, assistant professor of Public Speaking.

The first speaker of the evening will be George Gore '34, who will give the "Address to the Graduating Class," originally delivered by Edward A. Alderman. He will be followed by Richard P. Wheeler ocC, who is to give "The British Character", by George Santayana '86. Next, selections from Edmund Burke's "Conciliation with the American Colonies" are to be presented by Leonard C. Lewin '36. The subject of the address of John W. Yungblut '35 is "The Secret of Bishop Lawrence's Wisdom," by President Lowell.

Asa E. Phillips '34 is to deliver a speech given by the Honorable James M. Beck before the House of Representatives on May 25, 1933 entitled "The Constitutionality of the National Recovery Act." Robert Browing's "My Last Duchess" will be presented by A. Gilman Sullivan '36. The next speaker will be Richard P. Harmon '35 who is to deliver an address made by Oliver W. Holmes, Jr. '61 in June 1884 entitled "Harvard College in the War."

An extract from Thackeray's "Henry Esmond" called "The Duke of Marlborough" is to be given next by Charles W. Yungblut, Jr. '34. After Yungblut's address, John Cromwell '36 will present "The Burial of the Dead" and "A Game of Chess" from "Wasteland" by Thomas S. Eliot '10, William E. Smith '35 will deliver Lincoln's "Second Inaugural Address."

The judges of this competition will be the Reverend Samuel A. Eliot '13; Irvah L. Winter '86, associate professor of Public Speaking, emeritus; and a third gentleman to be announced later.
