

Davis and Olney Win Their Contests As Seder Dethrones Ihrig in Upset Of Preliminaries

Two knockouts and the defeat of a defending champion marked the preliminary matches in the University Boxing Championship held in the Indoor Athletic Building last night. The upset of the evening was furnished by Simmon J. Seder '36, who displayed unexpected power by defeating the defending champion, Edwin C. Ihrig 2L, in one of the 125-pound bouts. Peter B. Olney '37, captain of this year's Freshman team, fought a brilliant fight in knocking out Colin H. MacDiarmid '37 in the second round of their 155-pound match. The other knockout was scored by Edgar S. Davis '37, who stopped Elwood Henneman '37 in the last round of their encounter.

Wilfred V. Gill '36 outpointed Alexander A. Valois, Jr. '36 in the only 115-pound bout, and James P. Kostarelos '37 showed great speed to win two fights, defeating Warren G. Reed 2L, and Mario Umana '36, 125-pounders. The other match in this class, between Lyman O. Warren '36 and Timothy A. Lamphier '37, resulted in victory for the former. George J. Huberman '34 of the 135-pound class, outpointed Thomas N. Tileston '37. In the 145-pound matches, John E. Davis '37 defeated Elwood Henneman '37, Murray W. Dewart '37, outpointed William G. Davis '36, and John E. Brassil '37 was given the decision over Robert C. Bell 1L. William P. Van Evera '37 won his first contest against Andrew T. Nelson '37, but could not overcome his reach handicap in his second bout and met defeat at the hands of Robert S. Russell '35. Warren H. White '37 carried off the decision in his match with Albert E. Palilonis '37 in the only 165-pound match. Gordon F. Robertson '36 outpointed Henry Lloyd '37, and William C. Brister 2GB defeated Thomas W. Hardly '37 to carry off honors in the 175-pound bouts.
