

Rockefeller Fund Donates Sum for Psychiatry Ward--$38,000 Given to Massachusetts General Hospital

Announcement has been made of the creation of a new Professorship of Neurology, and of the appointment of Dr. Tracy J. Putnam '16 to the position. He has also been appointed to head the laboratories of the Neurological Unit of the Boston City Hospital.

The Neurological Unit is a development at the Boston City Hospital. It includes two wards for neurological patients, laboratories for research, and an operating suite. With the assignment of Dr. Putnam to the unit, additional funds from the Harvard Medical School will be applied to the work there, which will give new impetus to the study of these brain disorders.

Coincident with this announcement, comes the news of a gift of $38,000 from the Rockefeller Institute for the establishment and maintenance of a Psychiatric Unit at the Massachusetts General Hospital and one of $42,000 to the Harvard Medical School. This money has been given on the condition that it be spent within one year from next September 1.

At the Massachusetts General Hospital, the money will be used for a small psychiatric ward for the special treatment of early cases. The unit will cooperate closely with the recently founded McLean Hospital in Waverly. Thus the incipient cases will be studied at the Massachusetts General Hospital, while the more difficult cases will be handled in Waverley.
