

Three Boxers Reach Semi-Final Round In Intercollegiates at Syracuse, But Are Defeated

State College, Pa., (UP)--Albert Aranson '35 was the only Crimson entry to survive the semi-final round of the Intercollegiate Championship, being held at State College. Four Harvard men battled their way to the semi-finals, but three of them were defeated in that event after putting up a strong fight. Aranson, of the 175-pound class threw Louis Kreizman of Pennsylvania State College with a body hold after a match of seven minutes and 58 seconds, and will enter the finals tonight. Edward T. Farley '36 in the 145-pound class was forced to bow before the skill of Captain Hasse of the Yale team after five minutes and five seconds. In the 165-pound class Richard Emory '35 lost a decision to Loran Elliott of Princeton, who gained a time advantage of two minutes and 56 seconds. The other Crimson man to reach the semi-finals was Gridley Barrows '34, who was defeated by Howell Scobey of Lehigh.

Boxers Lose In Semi-Finals

Syracuse, New York, March 16. (UP)--After advancing to the semi-final round in the Eastern Intercollegiate Boxing championships this afternoon, three Harvard entrants went down to defeat.

Philip W.A. Bines '34, undefeated in dual meets this season, succumbed to Keyser of Western Maryland after downing Nebel of Penn State. James L. Kunen '36 won a hard-fought battle from Harrison of Western Maryland, but went down to defeat at the hands of Harris of Syracuse in the 125-pound class. In the 175-pound division William A. Smith '36 was outpointed by Kaplan of Western Maryland.
