

Breckinridge, Cromwell, Killiam To Be In Cast

Six Harvard men, including Robert Breckinridge '34, former president of the Harvard Dramatic Club, will take part in a presentation of Shakespeare's "Cymbeline," at the Agassiz Theatre at Radcliffe on Wednesday, March 21, at 8.30 o'clock. The production is being given by the Unnamed Players, and will be played in modern dress with Alistair Cooke, director of the H.D.C. fall presentation and now supervising the Hasty Pudding show, in charge of the performance. "Cymbeline" will be preceded by "Ayi No Tsuzami" (The Damask Drum), a short play attributed to Seami, the greatest of the No playwrights.

Breckinridge will take the part of Philario. Others in the cast include Robert Gardner-Medwin, sSA., as Belarius; John Cromwell '36 as Posthumous, Paul Killiam, Jr. '37 as Guiderius; Arthur Szathmary '37 as Arviragus; James Fassett as Pisanio; Elizabeth Morison as Imogen; and Betty Farley as Helen. Killiam, Szathmary, and Fassett will also play in the short play, along with Thomas G. Ratcliffe '35.

This play is the first production of the Unnamed Players, and it is the first time that "Cymbeline" has been presented in Boston for a century. According to the players, they have "quietly buried the untidy, dull historical plot; what remains is the fine central incident, the trial of Imogen's chastity."
