

The Union Oyster House, 41 Union Street, and 143 Stuart Stree, Boston. If you are fond of sea-food, this is one of the best sites for your satiation. The Union Street restaurant is an extremely old and picturesque building (with a much worn oyster bar, sawdust, and beams on the first floor, and a remodeled second floor, quiet, dimly lighted, and suitable for the entertainment of ladies. Every conceivable sort of fish, mollusc, and crustacean is on the bill, and all are handled well, though simply. The chowder, of all sorts is good; the swordfish, at times, causes an instantaneous migration of the taste-buds into a taste-bud Paradise; and one's stomach, with the appended palate, will almost literally reach out to grasp the blue-points; there is, of course, no langouste, which is a pitty, and liquor is not served. The prices are as low as can be found.
