
Harvard Students Show Preference for Strong Spirits in Survey Conducted by Grocery Store

Tootch Whiskey Heads List Kept Since Prohibition Went the Way Of All Flesh

What are Harvard students drinking since repeal? Have their tastes become more refined with the accessibility of high grade liquor?

Those are the questions that the Ecco public Market of Harvard Avenue, Allton set out to answer when they began keeping an accurate index of the customers and the beverages purchased. And the results of that survey indicate that students prefer Scotch whiskey to all students other delicacies.

During the three months since December 6, 1933, that memorable day when prohibition went out of effect, records of more than 200 sales to Harvard students have been kept and nearly half of the customers gratified their thirst with the amber product of the Bonnie Banks Doon. Of the 200 purchasers, 97 chose cotch whiskey and some of the more popular brands that have been finding flavor with the students are "Stoddard's", "Johnny Walker," "Glen Finnan," and McNair's", all testifying by their names to genuine Gaclic ancestry.

Further figures to prove that students are not satisfied with anything below 90 proof, show that Rye whiskey, Gin, Rum and Brandy follow in that order on the preferred list. Running a poor second to Scotch, Rye has tallied a score of 35, while Gin and Rum find themselves in a deadlock for third with 19 votes apiece. Leading the list of favorite brands of Rye, "Shady Oak," and Hiram Walker's "Canadian Club" are fighting it out for top honors with "Guggenheim" and "G & W". "Felton's" and "Bacardi" always favorite brands of Rum have not lost their supremacy in this field and still reign as in the past as top-notchers.

Wine, Beer and Champagne bring up the tail end of the list but have been completely outclassed by their stronger rivals. Wine sales total a mere six, while Beer has a meagre sum of three to its credit. Scared away by the cost of Champagne, students have only made two purchases of the "Nectar of the Gods," in the two months since repeal. Port and Sherry head the list of wines and in the Champagne division "Heldsick" and "Chateau Rheims" divide the two points.
