

A group from Dunster House recently visited the Hung Fi Lo restaurant in Chinatown. Honorable Fi Lo evidently was without the vigilance characteristic of his countrymen, for the group from Dunster House returned with one dozen pairs of chop sticks. Carefully concealed in inside coat pockets, the chop-sticks were smuggled into Dunster's salle a manger.

Efficiency in the use of the Oriental tools was only acquired after a period of several days. Cereals, ice cream, and potatoes were easy, but the meat courses always afforded serious difficulties. By extreme perseverance, however, even they were finally mastered. And yesterday the acme of perfection was reached when one Leonard P. Eliel '36 from J entry succeeded in consuming his soup by means of a spoon braced between his two chop-sticks. This feat excited envy throughout the dining hall, and the demand for chop-sticks became acute. A committee approached Mrs. Smith, the headwaitress, and guaranteed to donate the necessary funds, if chopsticks might be supplied in place of silver for all who wished them. Mrs. Smith referred the committee to Housemaster Greenough, who after investigating the cost and utility of chopsticks, agreed to the proposal.
