

Bryce, Eliot, Hibben, Lindsay Filled Position--Constant Theme Is Free Government and Citizenship

Walter Lippmann '10, prominent author and columnist, will deliver a series of public lectures given under the Godkin Foundation, it was learned late yesterday. Mr. Lippmann, who is now on vacation in Florida, will be unable to come to Harvard until after the April recess.

The Godkin lectures are held under an endowment given to the University in 1903 by the friends of Edwin L. Godkin, famed editorial writer on the New York Evening Post and founder of the Nation, as a memorial of his long and brilliant service to the country of his adoption. The income from the endowment is devoted to annual lectures on some aspect of the subject: "The Essentials of Free Government and the Duties of the Citizen."

Long Associated with College

Mr. Lippmann has long been associated with Harvard in various capacities. He was elected to the Board of Overseers last year, and this year he has served as a member of the Visiting Committee in the Department of History, Government and Economics. After receiving his degree in 1909, he was for two years a graduate student in philosophy, and since that time has been active in journalism, with the New York World and the New Republic, and in national affairs, as a director of the United States Army Military Intelligence, and an expert at the Peace Conference. He is the author of a number of books on political and social subjects, beginning with "A Preface to Politics" in 1913, and including "Public Opinion" and "A Preface To Morals."

Among previous Godkin lecturers have been Lord Bryce, President Eliot, President Hibben of Princeton, and A. D. Lindsay, Master of Balliol College, Oxford.
