
Harvard Fund Now Receiving More Gifts Than Ever Before

Donations Needed to Sustain Current University Budget

The Eighth Annual Report of the Harvard Fund Council, which was just been published and mailed to all Harvard College Alumni, contains the names of 6,626 men who contributed to the Fund in 1933--the largest number of contributors there have ever been. This record is exceptional considering the present financial conditions and the fact that in the boom year of 1929 there were only 5,976 donors. Although the amount contributed last year was only $66,042, the Fund in eight years has raised nearly $1,100,000 from 14,215 individuals. The money given through the Fund is particularly valuable to the University, because while most donations are made for definite purposes and cannot be used to relieve emergencies, this money is without any restriction as to its use, its final disposition being entirely in the hands of the President and Fellows.

In his first letter to all Harvard alumni, published in the Harvard Fund's report, President Conant said:

"To the Alumni: The record of the Harvard Fund Council is eloquent testimony to the devotion of our graduates. It is particularly striking that even during a great financial depression the number of contributors has steadily increased. Such tangible evidence of the loyalty of the Harvard Alumni is most heartening to one who faces the heavy responsibilities imposed by his election to the Presidency of this University. Personally and on behalf on the University I should like to thank you. I hope that your interest will continue, for there has never been a time in this country when the universities more needed the confidence of the community. We have had to make drastic reductions in our budgets and still face an uncertain future. To maintain our strength we need all the help we can procure. The money which is collected each year by the Harvard Fund Council is of great value, but most valuable of all is the long list of names which signifies your approval and support."
