
Story Wins in Quarter-Final Of Law School Competition

Defeats Chafee-McReynolds in Third Ames Argument

Charles W. Taintor 2d, 2L, and Charles Y. Wadsworth 2L, representing the Story Club, won their quarter-final match of the Ames Competition at Langdell Hall last night. The victors, as plaintiffs, defeated the Chafee-McReynolds Club, composed of Sidney D. Krystal 2L and Alan P. Cusick 2L. Roscoe Pound '90, Dean of the Law School, presided as judge.

This is the third quarterfinal to have been completed, the first two having been won by the Pollock and Wilson Clubs last week. The fourth quarterfinal will be argued on Friday, with the Edward-Warren Club as plaintiff, and the Pitney Club as defendant. The semi-final matches will be held during the spring, and the winner is determined next year. The club winning the final argument receives a prize of $300, while the runner-up gets $200. The Competition is the only chance for students in the Law School to debate.
