

Duelists Opposing Brown Teams Tomorrow Evening

In one of their important meets of the year, the Varsity fencing team and the Freshman team will oppose Brown at Providence tomorrow evening. Both Crimson teams have had excellent records so far this year and the chances for victory seem good. The Varsity contest will display foil, epee, and sabre duels, in the former of which Captain John S. Hurd '34, Robert C. Ackerman '35, and Philip F. Lilienthal '36 will fight for Harvard. Webster F. Williams, Jr. '35, and Edward E. Langenau '35 will be in the epee event, and Edward A. Ackerman '34, Richard Morgan '36, and Morton Grant '36 will be the sabremen. Chosa A. Fujino '37, William F. Gerber '37, Laval J. Leboeuf '37, John Seeger '37, Edgar R. Miller '37, and William F. Hayden '37 will oppose the Brown freshmen.
