
"Big-Stick Control"


(Ed. Note--The Crimson does not necessarily endorse opinions expressed in printed communications. No attention will be paid to anonymous letters and only under special conditions, at the request of the writer, will names be withheld.)

To the Editor of the CRIMSON:

We note with sorrow the CRIMSON's basicly shallow conception of conditions in the H.A.A. The sincere opinions voiced in your articles make no mention of the real weaknesses of Harvard's athletic administration. Football supports college athletics, but a coach is a coach, a business advisor, is a business advisor, and for the mutual benefit of both there must be separation of powers.

Casey's record as Freshman coach when the athletic administration had no cause to interfere with the management of his teams, was more than remarkable. The high expectations which Harvard men hold for future varsity teams under his leadership has ended in sad disappointment. Can there be a reason for this? Could it be possible that Mr. Bingham ardently supported by the Boston Harvard Club tied Eddy Casey's hands by dictating from his administrative desk policies to follow with disaster at Soldiers Field?

We firmly believe that until Harvard obtains a coach effectively equipped to withstand Mr. Bingham's big stick control of the H.A.A., football here will remain in the doldrums. An athletic administration with absolute authority over finances and publicity has completely estranged all active and enthusiastic alumni interest and support in the creation and maintenance of good football at Harvard. Therefore if Mr. Bingham supported by the Boston alumni has so successfully throttled the one-time keen interest in Harvard football shown by the provincial alumni and has failed to produce a football regime of which we all can be proud, the time has arrived for a basic change in the interests which control football at Harvard.


Can not you of the CRIMSON turn your efforts to searching for facts which made public would bring about such a change? Alan Pattee '37.   Ambrose C. McCabe '36.
