
Casey's Resignation Made Public, While Speculation As to Successor Runs High

Kerr, Kipke, and Little Thought As Possible, but Not Likely Candidates for Berth

Following close on the heels of the announcement by the Committee on the Regulation of Athletic Sports, that the resignation of Eddie Casey as head coach of the Varsity football team had been accepted at the meeting of the Committee on Monday, came speculation concerning the occupant of the vacant post next fall.

Adam Walsh, line coach of the Crimson forces this fall and captain of the "Four Horsemen" team that made Notre Dame football history a decade age, was looked to by those in touch with the committee as the likeliest be for the job in 1935.

It was believed unlikely that Harvard would go outside of its present staff of coaches in the search for a successor to Casey, Harry Kipke of Michigan was suggested, as was Lou Little, but both of these proposals were considered by experts to be outside chances.

No action on the election of a new coach was taken by the Committee in its meeting on Monday.

Other coaches who were mentioned as prospective head coaches of Harvard next year, were Andy Kerr, mentor of the Red Raiders from the Chenango Valley, and Chick Meehan of Manhattan, but officials at the H.A.A. had nothing to say concerning the possibilities of these men assuming the head-coachship of Harvard football next fall.
