

All Letterman Lineup Will Start for Crimson in Season Curtain Raiser Here Tonight

HARVARD  B. U. Grady, r.f.  l.f., Fisher Ernst, l.f.  r.f., Luiz Boys, c.  c., Mathers Fletcher, r.g.  l.g. Maddaocks Comfort, l.g.  r.g., Aimslee

An all-letterman lineup will take the floor against B. U. tonight in the New Indoor Athletic Building as Coach Wesley Fesler's men begin their second season as members of the Eastern Intercollegiate Basketball League.

Led by Captain Dick Boys the Crimson quintet is favored to win over their loss powerful opponents, who will start but two veterans, and two members of last winter's mediocre Freshman team. The Harvard team is using the pivot attack they used last year, with the guards and forwards rotating and cutting down the sidelines. Man to man defense will be employed by the Feslermen.

The Harvard squad has now been pared to 16 men, of which but four are Sophomores. No one of these has been regularly on the first string in practice, although Leavitt White, captain of last year's yearling quintet, has been pushing Dan Comfort hard for a berth on the starting five. Bill Gray, six-foot seven inch Freshman center of yesteryear, has the substitute center position to himself, and is expected to see considerable action.
