
Three Pacifists to Declaim Against All Wars Tonight

Brooks House Will Be Scene of Another Peace Conference Sunday

Three pacifists will take the rostrum against war tonight at 8 o'clock in the New Lecture Hall, when Powers Hapgood of the National Executive Committee of the Socialist Party, Earl Browder, general secretary of the Communist Party, and Roger Baldwin, director of the American Civil Liberties Union, will address Harvard and Radcliffe students on that general subject.

The titles of the three speeches will be "Workers and War", "The Peace Policy of the Soviet Union," and "Students and War" respectively. This program is being sponsored by the Boston Region Committee Against War, and not by the National Student League as formerly announced, although the latter is represented as well as the Liberal Club and the L.I.D.

On Sunday at 2 o'clock in the Phillips Brooks House delegates from Boston colleges will convene for the Armistice Day Boston Region Conference Against War at which a concrete program for student action against war will be formulated. Any student may attend as a visitor.
