

Having refused to accept the censorship of Senator Huey P. Long, the entire staff of the Louisiana State "Reveille," with the exception of one person, has been suspended from the university for insubordination and contempt of authority.

Although it has been the tendency of the public to look upon the loud-mouthed Huey's escapades as opera bouffe, and to snicker at his elevation of Abe Mickal, star of the gridiron to the rank of state senator, the ousting of the college students is somewhat less laughable.

Censorship at Harvard has always been non-existent. The University has seen fit to allow students through newspapers and periodicals to express their views, with the one reservation that the facts and presentation be accurate. The University has not found the system of complete freedom of speech embarrassment. On the contrary suggestions of students have always been given consideration and often found valuable.

One can only hope that other universities will observe the horrible example that Louisiana offers and realize the dangers that lie in censorship. Huey is well on his way toward that fate of many a small-time czar--a final costly error. He must inevitably make the mistake--if it only be failure to keep up on his income tax--which will destroy his career.
