
Exhibition of Box Lacrosse To Take Place in Briggs Cage

Graduate Team to Face Strong Outfit of Undergraduate Stars

Lacrosse in its most spectacular form will be seen this afternoon, when a graduate team of cagemen, faces an undergraduate group in an exhibition Box Lacrosse game in the Briggs Cage.

The undergraduate lineup numbers not only Varsity men, including Captain Jonathan S. England '35, and Thomas H. Edmands '36, but it also includes some of last year's Junior Varsity and Freshmen players. Furthermore, three promising Freshmen who turned out this fall, Harold Van B. Cleveland, and the brothers James P. and Jerome C. Hunsaker, Jr., will start.

In addition to leading the opposition, which also includes Nelson N. Cochrane '32, Varsity mentor Bob Pool will direct the play.

Box Lacrosse, Coach Pool feels, should have great appeal because it possesses not only speed and ruggedness, but also a continuity of play, such as is associated with hockey. When a poor throw is made, the ball may readily be retrieved off the wall without necessitating any delay from whistle blowing.
