
Six Henry Fellowships For Study in England Are Open

*500 Scholarships Give Year at Oxford or Cambridge

Six fellowships of *500 each from the Charles and Julia Henry Fund for study in Oxford or Cambridge are open to all College students this year. The committee managing this fund consists of President Conant, A. Chester Hanford, Dean of Harvard, and Jerome D. Greene '96, Secretary to the Corporation, representing Harvard, and President Angell, Carl A. Lohmann, and George P. Day, representing Yale.

These fellowships are for students, preferably in their last year of undergraduate work or just beginning their graduate work, who desire and are fitted for a year of study in England. The fund was established in "the earnest hope and desire of cementing the bonds of friendship between the British Empire and the United States."

Candidates must satisfy the committee that they are physically fitted to profit from a period of residence in a foreign climate, that they have achieved distinction in some recognized branch of learning, and that they are willing to devote their whole time to study travel, and social intercourse with fellow students.
