
Oxford Debate Subject to Be Anglo-American Alliance

Decision on Harvard Speakers Will Be Made Today by Rowe

After a week of suspense, the Oxford Union Society has replied through the National Broadcasting Company to the Debating Council on the subject of the radio debate to be held on December 8. Oxford cannot accept the proposal for a split-team debate on news censorship, but wants to uphold the affirmative of the resolution for an Angle-American alliance, first proposed by Harvard, which wanted the affirmative as well.

Accepted by Oxford as the question to be debated is "Resolved, That there be an Angle-American alliance to preserve world peace."

To uphold the negative of the alliance, two will be chosen out of the following three: Frederick DeW. Belman '35, Powers McLean '35, and Gilman Sullivan '36. Edward M. Rowe '27. Director of Debating, will make the decisions before five o'clock today.

On December 8 at 3 o'clock E.S.T. and 8 o'clock English time, the debate will be carried ever the Atlantic Ocean by short wave between the National Broadcasting Company and the British Broadcasting Company.
