
Japanese University Sends Harvard a Baseball Trophy

Silver Bowl Is Presented by Waseda University Nine

Gracing the office of William J. Bingham, Director of Physical Education and Athletics, yesterday was a large silver trophy, just received from the San Francisco customs officials, duty-free.

Patriotically done up in red, white, and blue ribbons, and embedded in a leather-covered, plush-lined box, the trophy was presented to the Harvard Baseball Team by the Waseda University Baseball team of Japan. Three bats support the bowl, while a ball is perched on each handle of the chalice.

Another trophy, from Keio University in Tokio, was brought back with the team, and has rested in its case in the H. A. A. office ever since. It is expected, however, that both gifts will soon take their places beside others in a trophy case of The University. Harvard presented these two teams with mahogany baseball bats when it met them on its tour during the summer.
