

In the metropolitan papers of some few weeks back, there appeared a news item startling in its revelation of the corruption and dark-dealing that go on in our prominent secondary schools in an effort to produce winning football teams.

It seems that the Loomis eleven was about to meet a highly touted bunch of toughs from up Deerfield way, and the team, coaching staff, and student body were trembling, collectively and individually at the thought of the impending shellacking. But sweet are the uses of adversity, and some clever alumnus, or someone else in power turned on the heat, and Miss Bette Davis, of Hollywood fame, rose magnificently to the occasion. Casting modesty, prudery, and other such doubtful virtues to the winds, she offered to bestow a resounding kiss in her best cinema manner upon anyone who should score for dear old Loomis. The boys rose to the occasion too. In fact they couldn't be kept down, and in a whirlwind afternoon routed the amazed Deerfield behemoths by some such score as 28 to 0. One lucky halfback tallied twice, and all the heroes were publicly rewarded before the cheering school the next day.

Now this state of affairs is reprehensible. In fact it should not exist. This corruption of our young men in the name of sport most certainly must stop. Besides what claim have the prep schools when mighty institutions like Harvard suffer through the lack of the ministrations of Miss Davis and her ilk. Perhaps, oh happy thought, perhaps honeyed words and the promise of a major H might lure her to New Haven next Saturday.
