
Communist, Socialist Heads Speak in New Lecture Hall

Urge Strong Student Opposition to All Capitalistic War

Last night, for the first time in Harvard history, Communism and Socialism were heard from the same platform when Powers Hapgood '21, Socialist leader, and Harry Gannes, editor of the "Daily Worker," spoke in the New Lecture Hall to urge student opposition to all war. One method can achieve peace, according to the speakers, and that is to make both students and workers more loyal to their cause than to their government.

Roger N. Baldwin '05 spoke on the same subject in behalf of the American League Against War and Fascism. The other two speakers gradually desconded into a discussion as to whose fault it was that Communism and Socialism had never been able to agree on a united front, while Mr. Baldwin remained neutral, only committing himself so far as to say that his Communist brethren might sometimes be mildly characterized as irritating.
