
Large Call For "Open Nights" Cause Of Repeated Program

Second Series Of Four Lectures Will Begin November 8

Due to an oversubscription to tickets for the first "Open Nights" program being held at the Harvard Observatory, from October 22 to November 1, the group of four lectures concerning the 'Evidence of Evolution in the Physical Universe" will be repeated from November 8 to 11.

These lectures will be held in the lecture hall of Building D at the Harvard Observatory, the entrances to which are on Concord Avenue opposite Buckingham Street and at 60 Garden Street opposite Linnean. If the weather permits, those attending the program will be given the opportunity to make telescopic observations of celestial bodies. The planet Saturn will be one of the particular objects of study.

Tickets of admission for individual lectures or to the series must be obtained in advance by sending a self-addressed stamped envelope to "Open Nights", Harvard Observatory, Cambridge, Mass.
