
The Student Vagabond

Rising sand-clouds from the West blew relentlessly across the stone-edge plain. Formations of loess dropped in dismaying array on huddled figures before shivering animals. Superstitious yellow-men wrapped themselves deeper into fur-lined garments and earth-colored birds took safety in fight toward the East. Sky and land fused together in one great maelstrom of motion. Here was storm over Asia.

Winds gradually abate in fury. A spot of pure, translucent blue can be seen now through the inky heaven. Clouds disappear like magic. Great quantities of sand settle on the cold plain like rain on a marshy flat. The Simoon is gone! Oaths from native drivers bring struggling beasts to their feet. Loads are replaced, straps tightened. Hearts beat high again with hope. Endless journey across the white sands of the Gobi is resumed . . . and the Vagabond travels to Chinese 11 to hear Mr. Gardner in his charming and inimitable manner recount dramatically life in the Far East as few have been privileged to know it.

12 O'Clock

"The Jou Dynasty," Mr. Gardner, Boylston 26.

2 O'Clock


"Parliamentary Government," Professor Friederich, Sever 24.

"Literary Discussion," Bernard De Voto, Sever 8.
