

Beccali Trying for Record on Friday; Jenkins of Tech May Run 1500; McCluskey To Race Against Cerati

Italy's track aces arrive this morning in Cambridge, where they will be quartered at the Hotel Continental. After lunch at the Varsity Club, they will enter the Harvard Stadium, for their first practice. Two work-outs a day will feature their training, with Beccali apparently trying to bring his weight down for the encounter on Friday.

Beccali's opponent in the 1500 meter will not be definitely selected until the meeting of the coaches committee on Wednesday night. Most probable selection is Morton Jenkins, Tech runner, who is believed capable of 4.05 in the 1500 meter.

It was Beccali who led Lovelock to the tape for a new 1500-meter record of 3.49 shortly after the New Zealand runner had beaten Bonthron. The later lowered this record by two-tenths of a second during the past summer, and Beccali's goal will be to regain the record.

If no rain intervenes to deaden the track before Friday, track fans may see a new world's record in the event. Oscar Hedlund, coach of Morton Jenkins, expressed the opinion that on a fast track, with Jenkins leading the way. Beccali may break the tape in record time.

Another feature race is the 3000-meter, with Cenati, McCluskey, and Playfair.
